Our primary aim is to impart a complete education developing all aspects of a child's personality be it physical or intellectual, social or spiritual.

The school aims to develop the sensibilities of the students through friendship, fondness, love and concern for others.

It takes special care about the well being of the students by keeping them healthy, happy and contented.

We strive to give our pupils sound values and morals so they can shape their lives on good principles.

Recognizing the importance of education we hone the academic skills of our students to ensure a successful life and career for them.

The youngsters of the present will be the leaders of the future. Keeping that in mind we try to develop leadership in them through a sense of respect and a sense of power, honor, influence, authority and taking a part in things that directly affect them.

The school strives to develop the character and individuality of the students through a well balanced combination of general education and co-curricular activities.

Emphasis on divinity is a special feature of the school. Value education is imparted through media of teachers.

The school aims at preparing children to be successful adults by preparing them not only for established professions but also for exploring new fields and areas for there own benefit as well as that of the society.

The school ventures to understand the individual requirements of the students and endeavours to meet those needs with adequate attention. The children are made to work in three sets, i.e. as a class, as a group and as an individual. They are encouraged to work for higher individual and personal goals. Sincere efforts are made to foster their creativity.

The school does not believe in corporal punishment. Discipline in the school is a gradual transaction from control by rule to control by reason. Students are expected to be well mannered and obedient and courteous at all times, fighting, pulling tripping rudeness, disrespect and other such activities are not allowed. Foul language is not permitted. Students have to abide by the direction of all teachers, adults; supervises responsibility for conduct of the pupils themselves in the process of which the degree and kind of responsibility are always determined by the social maturity of the pupil .


Contact Us :
Address :
227, West End Road MEERUT CANTT. 250 001 U.P. INDIA
Phones :
+91-121-2512964, 2402600
Fax :
+91-121-2408504 Email : info@gtbps.online